Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bittersweet spring...

Why is it that the first sign of these tiny, adorable, sweet little flowers is bittersweet? Could it be that these are the first signs of spring? Could it be these are the first signs much anticipated warmer weather? Could it be these little beaut's are signs of having to tune up the mower and get the weed killer ready? It's true these tiny flowers make some people feel all warm and fuzzy and some people feel like a "whole lotta work" is about to start!?!?!? We should probably embrace them like our boys do and get all excited when they pick 20 of them and run as fast as they can to give them to me!!! I love spring...I love the boys!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would suck the sweet juice out of those flowers as a child..a great snack : )