Thursday, August 21, 2008

Powder Pants...


I'm sure you're wondering why this post is titled "powder pants"!? Well, Case is at it again...he's been up to no good for a few days now. I just did a load of laundry and had some of my pants laying out on the bed to air day. As I was walking by something caught my just clean pants are sprinkled with baby powder, or should I say heavily covered in baby powder!!!! AAAhhHHHHwwwhhhh...that's my angry noise (Case now makes this noise too)!!!!! After finding the powder bomb, I went to ask Case why he had done this...his response..."I'm watching a movie." Alrighty then, certainly don't let me interrupt you!!! Hayden thought he'd help me and went and got a wet towel and tried wiping it off...thanks sweetie, but momma will have to wash them AGAIN. Enjoy the photos...and for those of you who don't have children...just wait, your time is coming!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He was just trying to give you a new look! :)
