Hayden's Christmas program at school was last night! It was great! Not that you can tell by this picture of Case...this was taken at the very end when all of us were getting a bit restless...they had each grade perform separately...Hayden's class was 5th in line and then there was about 20 groups after him, well maybe not that many, but you get the picture!!!
We were so proud of Hayden...he likes performing and singing...so he was not nervous about getting on the big stage in front of so many people!!
Howdy Hayden! You looked so handsome up there on that stage! Camille got your gingerbread man and sent it back right away (but it got to us way late . .so I hope it arrived before school let out). I am sending Christmas cards today, I know they are late but things are crazy as we continue to get settled and have our basement under construction. The grrrreat news is they pretty much finished on Friday and we moved the kids' beds and some other stuff downstairs. It is better than we hoped. Now there is lots of room in our house and we told Santa that all we want for Christmas is the Lees to come for a visit in 2010! See you soon:) Christine
Hayden looks so GQ cool up there.
Great pic of he and Mom.
I know he will be famous some day and hopefully take care of his aunt GG.
; )
SEe you soon little boys...
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