Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fire, Fire....

Well, it's a dreary cool day today...we've been inside all day going through closets, packing up clothes that don't fit...cleaning out drawers full of trash (hum, I wonder who that would be), wiping out the food cabinet....etc....
After eating our "breakfast" lunch consisting of eggs, bacon and toast, we all settled in for our nap...
As usual I tell the boys to go use the restroom before they lay down....here comes Case sprinting from the bathroom to the bedroom at mock speed wearing nothing but a shirt...he skids to a halt on his knees then his face....ooocccchhhh!!! Rug burned knee's!!!!! He's screaming holding his knee's and I'm trying to console him and tell him he's fine, there's no blood, and he's just got some carpet burn...Hayden starts crying frantically saying to help Case with his burning legs and that he doesn't want Case to go to Heaven yet, he wants him to stay down here!!!! So while Case is screaming and Hayden is terrified about the fires on Case's legs even though he can see no actual flames, I am trying to keep from laughing and crying!!! Laughing because it doesn't take much to freak my boys out and crying because it's so sweet that Hayden is trying to save his little brother from the "carpet fire"!!! Geezz Louise!!! So I finally get Case "doctored-up" and we can finally take that nap!!

I just asked Case how his carpet burns were doing...his response was "not yet"?!?!?!?! Okay!!?? I went and pulled up his pant legs and there is absolutely no sign of anything!!!!

Thanks for tuning in to another day in the life of the Lee Boy's and momma!!!


Anonymous said...

That is halarious!

Kim said...

Wow! It's nice to know when it comes down to it they really do love each other huh? It was a GREAT day for a nap, I'm hoping for sunshine tomorrow. Love ya

Jessica B said...

This story made me laugh out loud. I can't believe he really thought Case's legs were on fire :)