Friday, October 31, 2008

Cat hair prep...

Once again Hayden has come up with some crazy idea in his head, or this time I should say on his head...somewhere he's found this old fashioned folding portable comb...
A few nights ago he had this comb stuck on top of his head...usually I try to ignore some of what this kid does, because if I were to try to keep up with him and his idea's I would be exhausted...well, I asked him anyway...he responded by saying he was getting his hair ready for his cat costume...he was sure that if he left this comb in his hair for a while, his hair would stick up like a cats hair does...I don't know, have you ever seen a cat with a side ways mohawk?? Let me know if you have... crazy loon, who's kids are these anyway?????


Anonymous said...

That is a swell idea H!
You are so bright--

Anonymous said...

HSSSSSSSS! I have some product that might help!

Anonymous said...

Traci!!! I found your blog!!! I've been in here at my computer laughing for the last half hour or so at these pictures... They're precious. See you later. (Thanksgiving maybe? You could make apple pie!)
