Thursday, August 19, 2010

my little tractor pullers...

We attended the county fair this year and had a great time...the boy's did the stick horse races, the calf scramble at the rodeo and the tractor pull...and I must's the momma coming out in me...Case won 1st place in his age division and Hayden won 2nd in his age division in the tractor pull!!! You can bet I was on the phone spreading the word soon after the event!!! They were so proud to win a juice and one piece of candy!!! And they also got to choose between a t-shirt or hat...I can bet you know who chose what...or you can see by the pictures...
Anyway, they both qualified for the state tractor pull in Hutchinson in September at the State we'll be making the trip there to see if they're little legs can pull the heavy weights behind the tractors again...I could care less if they even place...I am just so proud of them for daddy says..."just trying something new makes you a winner"...well said daddy!! Enjoy the pictures...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it and I too am sooooo proud of my strong grandsons. Can't wait to see them perform in the state fair. Love, Granny